
full seRVice coMpAny bRAndinG & Website

A great new startup offering a new way to have fun on the water in Cambridge. Cambridge Aqua Park approached me with a completely blank slate. They needed an appearance that would appeal to parents looking for fun things to do with their kids.

pRoject oVeRVieW

Using hand drawn fonts and warm colours helped to set a bright and playful tone. This was then rolled out accross all media including a new website with CMS (content Management System) to allow the owners to update the website with new pictures and text as the business grows.

company branding

responsive design

Analytics & tRAckinG

siMilar pRojects

Here are some other examples of similar work, click the image to find out more:

hAVe A similaR pRoject in mind

If you have any questions about a project or would like to find out more about my pricing don't hesitate to reach out! I am always happy to discuss and help out where possible.

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